The Remarkable Benefits of Sensory and Fidget Toys for Children - Sticks & Stones Education

The Remarkable Benefits of Sensory and Fidget Toys for Children

The Remarkable Benefits of Sensory and Fidget Toys for Children

Over the past few years sensory and fidget toys have become increasingly popular with children of all ages and abilities. They've been quite the marketable product in main stream retail stores as well as small $2 discount stores. From the fancy brands to the generic, you'll find them in many homes, schools and early learning settings. 

Sensory and fidget toys are fun for all children, however they are especially of great benefit to children who are neurodivergent, children with disabilities and children with developmental challenges and complexities. In this article we are going to explore the numerous benefits of sensory and fidget toys to children of all ages and stages.

Understanding Sensory and Fidget Toys

What are Sensory Toys?

Sensory toys are specially designed playthings that engage a child's senses - sight, touch, sound, taste, and smell - to encourage exploration, learning, and development. These toys often come in a variety of textures, colors, and shapes to stimulate different sensory pathways in the brain. By engaging multiple senses simultaneously, sensory toys provide a rich sensory experience, making playtime more enjoyable and beneficial for children of all ages and abilities.

The Importance of Sensory Play

Sensory play is a critical aspect of child development as it helps children make sense of the world around them. During early childhood, the brain's neural pathways develop rapidly, and sensory experiences play a fundamental role in shaping these connections. Sensory play enhances cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development by fostering creativity, problem-solving skills, and self-regulation.

Types of Sensory Toys

  1. Textured Toys: These toys feature different tactile surfaces, such as squishy, bumpy, smooth, or fuzzy textures, allowing children to explore and differentiate sensations.
  2. Visual Stimulation Toys: Toys with vibrant colors, contrasting patterns, and moving parts capture a child's attention and encourage visual exploration.
  3. Sound and Music Toys: Toys that produce sounds or play music help children develop auditory processing skills and promote language development.
  4. Aromatherapy Toys: Some sensory toys incorporate scents to provide aromatherapy benefits, helping children relax and soothe their senses.
  5. Proprioceptive Toys: These toys provide deep pressure and resistance, benefiting children who seek sensory input for calming and focus.

Understanding Fidget Toys

Fidget toys are a subset of sensory toys that cater specifically to the need for tactile stimulation and movement. They are particularly popular for their ability to promote focus and reduce restlessness in children, teenagers, and even adults. While some fidget toys are discreet and can be used inconspicuously, others are designed to be engaging and provide visual and auditory stimulation.

Fidget Toys and Attention

Fidget toys have gained recognition for their positive impact on attention and focus, especially in learning environments. Contrary to the belief that fidgeting is a distraction, research suggests that fidgeting can actually enhance cognitive performance and help individuals concentrate better on tasks. For children with attention-related challenges, fidget toys can provide a constructive outlet for their excess energy and help them stay engaged during learning activities.

Inclusive Design

One of the essential aspects of sensory and fidget toys is their inclusive design. Manufacturers recognize the diverse needs of children, including those with developmental challenges and disabilities. As such, many sensory and fidget toys are designed to be accessible and adaptable, ensuring that children of all abilities can benefit from them.

Benefits of Sensory and Fidget Toys for Neurotypical Children

Sensory and Fidget Toys Enhance Creativity and Imagination

Sensory and fidget toys offer a diverse range of textures, colors, and shapes that encourage open-ended play. When children engage with these toys, they are inspired to use their imagination, creating stories, scenarios, and characters. Whether it's molding playdough, exploring sensory bins, or manipulating fidget spinners, these toys stimulate creativity and help children develop essential storytelling and problem-solving skills.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Promote Sensory Exploration

Neurotypical children also benefit significantly from sensory play. Exploring different textures and sensations through sensory toys helps them develop a deeper understanding of their environment. Sensory play enriches the brain's neural connections, fostering cognitive growth and enhancing sensory processing abilities. As children engage in sensory play, they become more adept at recognizing and interpreting various sensory inputs, making them better equipped to navigate the world around them.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Stimulate Cognitive Development

Sensory and fidget toys activate different areas of the brain, fostering cognitive development in neurotypical children. For example, puzzles, building blocks, and sensory games challenge their problem-solving and spatial reasoning abilities. These toys encourage critical thinking, planning, and strategic decision-making, which are vital skills for academic success and everyday life.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Improve Focus and Attention

While often associated with assisting children with attention-related challenges, fidget toys can also be beneficial for neurotypical children. Many neurotypical children naturally experience fidgeting tendencies, especially during periods of heightened focus. Fidget toys offer an outlet for this excess energy, enabling children to maintain attention and concentrate on tasks more effectively. As a result, these toys can contribute to improved learning outcomes and task completion.

Sensory and Fidget Toys and Stress Relief and Emotional Regulation

Sensory and fidget toys can act as stress relievers for neurotypical children as well. Play sessions with these toys provide a calming and soothing effect, reducing feelings of anxiety or overwhelm. When children feel stressed or emotionally charged, engaging with sensory or fidget toys allows them to release pent-up energy in a positive and constructive manner, promoting emotional regulation and well-being.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Foster Social Interaction

Sensory and fidget toys can also facilitate social interaction among neurotypical children. When children share these toys, they often engage in cooperative play, taking turns, and collaborating on creative projects. Additionally, some fidget toys can serve as conversation starters, helping children bond over shared interests and experiences.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Build Fine and Gross Motor Skills

The manipulation of sensory and fidget toys involves various hand movements and physical actions, contributing to the development of fine and gross motor skills. Activities like squeezing stress balls, threading beads, or playing with kinetic sand enhance hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and muscle strength, benefiting overall motor development.

Sensory and Fidget Toys for Neurodivergent Children

Sensory and Fidget Toys Address Specific Developmental Needs

Neurodivergent children, including those with autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, sensory processing disorders, and other developmental challenges, often have unique sensory preferences and sensitivities. Sensory and fidget toys play a crucial role in addressing these specific needs. By offering a wide range of textures, colors, and sensory experiences, these toys allow neurodivergent children to engage with the world on their terms, providing comfort and support in their daily lives.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Support Sensory Integration and Regulation

For neurodivergent children, sensory integration can be challenging. Sensory toys facilitate sensory integration by providing controlled sensory input that helps children process and regulate their responses to different stimuli. These toys can assist in desensitization to aversive stimuli or, conversely, provide a soothing and calming effect for those who are sensory-seeking.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Promote Focus and Concentration

Many neurodivergent children experience difficulties with attention and focus. Fidget toys, in particular, have been found to be beneficial for increasing concentration and reducing distractions. The repetitive and rhythmic movements of fidget toys can serve as a self-regulating mechanism, allowing children to channel excess energy and maintain better focus during various activities.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Reduce Anxiety and Stress

Neurodivergent children may face heightened levels of anxiety and stress due to sensory overload or challenges in processing emotions. Sensory and fidget toys can be valuable tools for anxiety relief, providing a sense of comfort and security. Squeezing stress balls, using weighted blankets, or engaging with calming sensory items can help these children cope with stressors and find moments of tranquility.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Enhance Communication and Social Skills

For neurodivergent children who may face communication difficulties or struggle with social interactions, sensory and fidget toys can serve as valuable bridges. These toys can act as icebreakers, encouraging engagement with peers and adults during play. Additionally, sensory playgroups and therapy sessions that incorporate sensory toys create a supportive environment for social interactions and communication practice.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Support Sensory Therapy

Sensory integration therapy is a well-established intervention for neurodivergent children with sensory processing challenges. Sensory toys are essential tools used in these therapy sessions to create tailored sensory experiences and aid in achieving therapeutic goals. In collaboration with therapists, parents can use sensory and fidget toys to continue sensory-based interventions at home, reinforcing the benefits of therapy.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Embrace Inclusivity

By offering a diverse range of sensory and fidget toys, toy stores contribute to a more inclusive society. Inclusivity in toy design acknowledges and respects the unique needs and preferences of neurodivergent children, ensuring that they have access to toys that are both enjoyable and supportive of their development.

Supporting Motor Skills and Coordination

Sensory and Fidget ToysDevelope Fine Motor Skills

Sensory and fidget toys are excellent tools for enhancing fine motor skills in children. Activities such as squeezing, pinching, twisting, and manipulating various sensory toys help strengthen the muscles in the hands and fingers. For example, using fidget spinners, stress balls, or small puzzles requires precise finger movements, contributing to improved hand dexterity and fine motor coordination. As children engage in these activities regularly, they gradually develop the ability to perform more intricate tasks like writing, drawing, and using utensils with greater precision

Sensory and Fidget Toys Enhancing Gross Motor Skills

In addition to fine motor skills, sensory toys can also support the development of gross motor skills. Some sensory toys involve physical movements that engage large muscle groups and encourage coordination. For instance, activities like jumping on sensory balance pods, rolling on therapy balls, or navigating through obstacle courses designed with sensory elements contribute to better balance, coordination, and overall body awareness. These activities are particularly valuable for neurodivergent children who may require additional support in developing their gross motor abilities.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Promote Hand-Eye Coordination

Many sensory and fidget toys require children to use their hands in coordination with their visual input. As they manipulate objects, solve puzzles, or engage in activities that involve precise hand-eye coordination, they strengthen the neural connections between their eyes and hands. This improvement in hand-eye coordination benefits various everyday tasks, from catching a ball to using tools and participating in sports or creative endeavors.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Encourages Bilateral Coordination

Bilateral coordination, the ability to use both sides of the body together efficiently, is essential for many physical activities. Sensory and fidget toys that require symmetrical hand movements, such as rolling a fidget roller between both palms, encourage bilateral coordination. Engaging in these activities regularly helps children develop a more refined ability to coordinate their movements, leading to increased confidence and competence in various activities, including self-care tasks.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Support Occupational Therapy

Sensory and fidget toys are commonly used in occupational therapy sessions to help children with motor skill challenges. Occupational therapists often incorporate these toys into therapy interventions to create enjoyable and motivating activities that target specific motor skill development. By using sensory and fidget toys during therapy, children can practice and reinforce their motor skills in a safe and supportive environment.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Adaptability for Individual Needs

One of the strengths of sensory and fidget toys is their adaptability to suit individual needs. These toys come in various shapes, sizes, and textures, allowing therapists, educators, and parents to select toys that cater to specific motor skill goals or challenges. Whether a child needs to work on finger strength, balance, or bilateral coordination, there is a sensory or fidget toy that can support their unique needs and preferences.

Calming and Anxiety-Reducing Properties

The Role of Sensory and Fidget Toys in Stress Reduction

One of the significant benefits of sensory and fidget toys is their ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress in children. These toys provide a safe and comforting outlet for children to release pent-up energy and emotions. When feeling overwhelmed or anxious, engaging with sensory and fidget toys can serve as a form of self-soothing, allowing children to regain a sense of calm and control over their emotions.

Sensory Toys as Stress Relievers

Sensory toys with tactile elements, such as squishy stress balls, textured sensory putty, or soft plush toys, offer sensory feedback that can be soothing and comforting. The repetitive actions involved in manipulating these toys can help regulate emotions and reduce feelings of restlessness or anxiety. Squeezing a stress ball, for example, can mimic the effect of a hug and trigger the release of endorphins, which promote a sense of well-being.

Fidget Toys for Anxiety Management

Fidget toys, with their repetitive movements or tactile features, are particularly effective in managing anxiety and restlessness. The act of fidgeting with these toys provides a focused outlet for nervous energy, preventing it from escalating into feelings of overwhelm. As children engage with fidget toys, they may experience a calming effect that helps them cope with stressful situations, such as during exams, transitions, or unfamiliar social settings.

The Role of Sensory and Fidget Toys Transition Tools

For neurodivergent children and those with developmental challenges, transitions between activities or environments can be particularly challenging and anxiety-inducing. Sensory and fidget toys can serve as valuable transition tools to help ease these shifts. Having a familiar sensory or fidget toy on hand during transitions provides a comforting and grounding anchor for children, helping them navigate change with greater ease and reduced anxiety.

Sensory and Fidget Toys as Portable Stress Relief

The portability of many sensory and fidget toys allows children to carry them in their pockets, bags, or backpacks, ensuring immediate access to stress relief wherever they go. This mobility enables children to use these tools discreetly in various situations, such as in the classroom, during travel, or while waiting in unfamiliar places. Having access to their preferred sensory or fidget toy can provide a sense of security and predictability, mitigating anxiety and promoting a sense of empowerment.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Incorporating into Calming Routines

Sensory and fidget toys can be integrated into calming routines for neurodivergent children. Engaging in sensory play or using fidget toys before bedtime or during periods of heightened stress can help create a soothing environment conducive to relaxation and sleep. By incorporating these toys into calming routines, parents and caregivers can establish consistent and comforting practices to support emotional well-being.

gel bead squish sensory ball by smooshos

The Role of Sensory and Fidget Toys Enhancing Social Skills

Sensory and Fidget Toys and Cooperative Play and Sharing

Sensory and fidget toys can be powerful tools for promoting cooperative play and sharing among children. When children engage with these toys together, they learn to take turns, negotiate, and collaborate. For instance, in a sensory playgroup setting, children can work together to build structures with sand or engage in collaborative storytelling with sensory materials. Through these experiences, they develop essential social skills such as empathy, communication, and the ability to work as a team.

The Role of Sensory and Fidget Toys and Turn-Taking and Patience

Many sensory and fidget toys, such as fidget spinners or kinetic sand, naturally lend themselves to turn-taking activities. Encouraging children to take turns with these toys helps them develop patience and self-regulation as they wait for their chance to engage with the toy. Learning to wait for their turn and respecting others' opportunities to play are crucial skills for successful social interactions.

Sensory and Fidget Toys as Icebreakers and Conversation Starters

Some fidget toys, like fidget cubes or tangle toys, can act as icebreakers, especially in new or unfamiliar social settings. These toys can spark curiosity and interest, providing children with a topic of conversation to initiate interactions with their peers. As they share their toys and interests, they create opportunities for bonding and forming new friendships.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Managing Social Anxiety

For children who experience social anxiety, sensory and fidget toys can serve as coping mechanisms to manage discomfort in social situations. Having a familiar sensory or fidget toy on hand can provide a sense of security and reassurance, allowing children to feel more at ease during social interactions. As a result, they may be more willing to engage with others and participate in social activities.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Social Play and Imagination

Many sensory toys, such as playdough, water tables, or sensory bins, encourage open-ended play and imaginative scenarios. When children engage in such social play, they learn to share ideas, negotiate roles, and build narratives collaboratively. This type of play fosters creativity and communication skills, helping children express themselves and understand the perspectives of others.

Sensory and Fidget Toys Sensory Play in Therapeutic Settings

Sensory play is commonly utilized in occupational therapy and other therapeutic settings to enhance social skills. Therapists incorporate sensory toys to create a supportive environment for children to practice social interactions, communication, and appropriate responses to sensory stimuli. Through guided play and structured activities with sensory toys, children can develop essential social skills while enjoying the benefits of sensory exploration.

Sensory and Fidget Toys and Inclusive Social Play

The inclusivity of sensory and fidget toys allows children of all abilities to participate in social play. By offering toys that cater to diverse needs and preferences, children with different developmental challenges can engage in play with their neurotypical peers more easily. Inclusive social play fosters a sense of belonging, empathy, and understanding among children, contributing to a more compassionate and accepting society.

Wrapping Up:

Understanding sensory and fidget toys is crucial in recognizing their significance in child development.

Sensory toys engage multiple senses, fostering cognitive, physical, social, and emotional growth. On the other hand, fidget toys provide a constructive outlet for energy, improve focus, and are particularly valuable for children with attention-related challenges. Embracing inclusive design, these toys offer enriching experiences for all children, including neurodivergent individuals, supporting their overall well-being and development.

Sensory and fidget toys offer numerous advantages for neurotypical children, beyond their primary role in supporting neurodivergent children with specific challenges.

These toys promote creativity, cognitive growth, and sensory exploration, while also assisting with focus, emotional regulation, and social interactions. By incorporating sensory and fidget toys into playtime, parents and educators can empower neurotypical children to explore their potential, enhance their skills, and enjoy the many benefits of engaging, interactive play.

Sensory and fidget toys play an important  role in supporting neurodivergent children with various developmental challenges.

These toys address their specific sensory needs, assist with sensory integration and regulation, promote focus and concentration, reduce anxiety and stress, enhance communication and social skills, and complement sensory therapy interventions. As toy stores provide a wide selection of sensory and fidget toys, they actively participate in fostering inclusivity and offering valuable tools to support the well-being and development of neurodivergent children in the community.

Sensory and fidget toys play a vital role in promoting calmness and reducing anxiety in children.

Whether through tactile sensory toys or repetitive fidget tools, these toys offer an effective means for children to manage stress and emotional overwhelm. The portability and adaptability of these toys make them accessible during various situations, providing children with a comforting and empowering resource for emotional regulation. By recognizing and harnessing the calming and anxiety-reducing properties of sensory and fidget toys, parents, educators, and therapists can support children's emotional well-being and resilience in their daily lives. 

Sensory and fidget toys play a crucial role in supporting the development of motor skills and coordination in children.

These toys provide engaging activities that target both fine and gross motor abilities, promoting hand-eye coordination and bilateral coordination. As children engage in playful and enjoyable interactions with sensory and fidget toys, they develop the essential physical skills needed for daily activities and academic pursuits. Furthermore, their adaptability allows therapists and parents to customize activities that cater to individual needs, making these toys valuable tools for promoting motor skill development in all children, including those with developmental challenges.

Sensory and fidget toys are powerful tools for enhancing social skills in children.

Through cooperative play, turn-taking activities, and imaginative scenarios, these toys encourage the development of crucial social abilities such as communication, empathy, and collaboration. Additionally, sensory toys can support children with social anxiety, providing comfort and reassurance during social interactions. By incorporating sensory and fidget toys in play settings and therapeutic interventions, children of all abilities can enjoy the benefits of inclusive social play, fostering stronger relationships and better social interactions.

Sticks & Stones Education is commitment to providing a diverse range of toys that cater to all children's needs. I'm in fact neurodivergent myself! Explore our store's collection of sensory and fidget toys to empower children and support their growth and development.

Check out our collection of sensory and fidget toys and discover a curated selection of pull and stretch, squish and throw, roll and hold sensory aides.

Are you keen to learn more about sensory and fidget toys and children's development? Check out these pages and articles:

The Ultimate Guide to Occupational Therapy Toys by the OT Toolbox 

Sensory Toys that Occupational Therapists Love from the NAPA Centre

Sensory Toys for Toddlers by Ready Kids Occupational Therapy

Best Sensory Toys according to Children's Therapy TEAM

- Provide links to related blog posts or resources for further reading on child development and sensory play.

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