Small World Play
Engaging in small world play is a critical play opportunity for young children's learning and development. Children can experiment in imaginary situations, explore their emotions and learn about how they feel about situations, people and creatures in the world around them. It lets children explore imaginary situations, understand their emotions, and learn about the world around them.
This popular style of play can be defined as imaginative play in miniature. These can be animal figurines, characters, small dolls, play roads and houses or felt trees. While we can create beautiful play-scapes for children, they are also incredibly resourceful in creating their own small worlds. Resourcing children's play with a variety of textures, materials, figures, characters and loose parts both found and purchased!
Designing small worlds can boost children's interests in themes like fairies, dinosaurs, pirates, space, knights, princesses, castles, dragons, cars, trains, and animals. Interest-based learning holds children's attention longer. It fuels their imagination, introduces new materials, and helps them act out real-life scenarios. This play enhances their language, social skills, and understanding of the world.
This type of play involves imaginative play with miniatures - animal figurines, characters, dolls, play roads, houses, and felt trees. Children often create their own small worlds, but we can enhance their play with diverse textures, materials, figures, and loose parts. We have a blog on the benefits of small world play in case you need more convincing!
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