Construction Site Landscape


Little Landscape: Construction Site

This set includes:

  • a hand cut play mat which measures approximately 50x50 cms 
  • a set of CAT construction toys with an organza bag to store them in!
  • pebbles,
  • a bundle of branches
  • silver gravel
  • polished stones
  • hand cut pvc pipe stack with a calico bag for storage
  • rectangular tiles (tiles may vary from those shown in photo)
  • square tiles (tiles may vary from those shown in photo) 
  • a patch of felt-faux-mud
  • a cylinder
  • wooden cubes

This Little Landscapes is open-ended playscape and supports children’s learning in so many valuable ways. Children are able to create their own stories and engage in pretend play.

Each component in this set has been carefully selected; they are rich and varied in their textures. This is a rich sensory playscape which enables your child to use their imagination. Textures, weights, sizes, colours. All have been sourced and balanced to create a unique little landscape. These elements are sourced from multiple different suppliers as well as made by hand.

Small world play is a fantastic way to support children’s learning and development across all five Learning Outcomes (EYLF) or developmental domains. . Children will learn naturally through self-directed play. Imaginary play supports creative thinking, literacy and language development, social and emotional learning.

This scene could be embellished with elements from your own home, early learning service or garden. Children can add toys from their own collections. You could also consider adding some child-safe potted plants or branches with leaves such as gumtrees. You can add larger river stones or garden rocks, bark, fallen leaves, mulch, gum nuts, twigs, branches, wooden blocks, and tree blocks. The list is endless of what can be added to extend the learning and engagement, and enrich the play.

WARNING/CHOKING HAZARD: This product contains small loose parts and is not suitable for children under the age of 3 years. Please exercise caution when using with children. Don't eat it. It's not tasty.

As each set is made by hand, there are variations between them and the photos supplied. The content however remains the same.

We set the scene, children create the story.