The difference between learning trajectories and developmental milestones - Sticks & Stones Education

The difference between learning trajectories and developmental milestones

The difference between learning trajectories and developmental milestones

How Learning Trajectories Align with Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

The difference between learning trajectories and developmental milestones is the topic of our lastest article here at Sticks & Stones Education. Learning trajectories describe how children progress through learning experiences in a predictable sequence, building on prior knowledge and skills. Developmental milestones, on the other hand, are the observable skills children acquire at different stages and ages. While milestones mark specific achievements, learning trajectories provide a broader picture of how these skills develop over time through experiences, interactions, and scaffolding.

Learning Trajectories Provide the Pathway, Developmental Milestones Mark the Progress

  • Developmental milestones are like the checkpoints along the pathway of a learning trajectory.
  • Example: A child begins by grasping objects (milestone), later refines pincer grip, and eventually holds a pencil to draw (trajectory in fine motor development).

Trajectories Show the Variability in Learning, Milestones Indicate Expected Skill Acquisition

  • Milestones are broad (e.g., "Can run and climb stairs" at 2-3 years). 
  • Trajectories show the gradual refinement (e.g., first a toddler walks clumsily, then walks steadily, then runs with coordination).

 EYLF and Learning Trajectories Align to Support Holistic Development

  • EYLF 2.0 supports trajectories by emphasizing ongoing learning rather than fixed milestones.
  • Example: Outcome 3 ("Children have a strong sense of wellbeing") aligns with the physical trajectory from crawling → cruising → walking → running.

 Learning Trajectories Acknowledge the Role of Play and Scaffolding in Achieving Milestones

  • Milestones suggest "what" children can do, while learning trajectories describe "how" they get there.
  • Example: A milestone might say "uses simple sentences" by 2 years, but the trajectory shows the development from babbling → single words → two-word phrases → simple sentences.

Milestones and Learning Trajectories Help Educators Plan and Scaffold Learning

  • Understanding both helps educators provide the right materials, experiences, and interactions.
  • Example: If a child isn't yet stacking blocks (milestone), an educator may introduce larger blocks first, then move to smaller ones (following the trajectory of spatial reasoning and fine motor skill development).

Milestones Are the Markers, Learning Trajectories Are the Journey

  •  Milestones set expectations, while learning trajectories show the process of getting there.
  • Both work together to ensure children receive the right scaffolding, play experiences, and learning opportunities to move through EYLF-aligned outcomes.

Examples of Learning Trajectories Aligned with Developmental Milestones Across Age Groups

Here’s how learning trajectories (the gradual process of skill development) align with developmental milestones (observable achievements) across three age groups:

Examples of Learning Trajectories and Milestones

Example 1: Infant (0-12 Months) – Fine Motor Development

Learning Trajectory: Developing grasping skills

  1. Reflex grasp – Newborns automatically grasp fingers or objects placed in their palm (primitive reflex).
  2. Voluntary grasp – Around 3-4 months, they intentionally reach for and grasp objects but with limited control.
  3. Whole-hand grasp – By 5-6 months, infants use their entire hand to grab toys and pass them between hands.
  4. Pincer grasp – Around 9-12 months, they use their thumb and forefinger to pick up small objects like cereal pieces.
  5. Refined fine motor control – By the end of infancy, they can point, poke, and manipulate small items more precisely.

Developmental Milestone (EYLF Outcome 4 & 5):
 "Able to grasp objects and bring them to mouth" (4-6 months) → "Uses pincer grasp to pick up small objects" (9-12 months).

Educator Support: Provide grasp-friendly toys, soft balls, and finger foods to encourage fine motor skill development through play.

Example 2: Toddler (2-3 Years) – Language & Communication

Learning Trajectory: Developing expressive language skills

  1. Single-word stage – At around 12-18 months, toddlers say simple words like “milk” or “dog” to label objects.
  2. Two-word combinations – By 18-24 months, they start combining words (e.g., “Want cookie” or “Big truck”).
  3.  Short sentences – Around age 2, toddlers form simple sentences (e.g., “I see bird” or “Mama go home”).
  4.  Expanding vocabulary & questions – By 2.5-3 years, they ask simple questions (“Where is ball?”) and begin using descriptive words.
  5. Conversational skills – By age 3, they can participate in back-and-forth exchanges, using 3-4 word sentences.

Developmental Milestone (EYLF Outcome 5):
 "Begins to use one to two-word sentences" (18-24 months) → "Asks simple questions and speaks in short sentences" (2.5-3 years).

Educator Support: Engage in interactive reading, sing nursery rhymes, use open-ended questions, and encourage verbal expression during play.

Example 3: Preschooler (3-5 Years) – Gross Motor Development

Learning Trajectory: Developing balance and coordination

  1. Walking & running confidently – By age 3, children walk, run, and climb with ease but may still be working on coordination.
  2. Jumping & balancing – Around 3.5 years, they jump with two feet and begin balancing on one foot for a few seconds.
  3. Throwing & catching – By age 4, they can throw a ball with direction and attempt to catch with outstretched arms.
  4. Skipping & hopping – By 4.5 years, they hop on one foot and may attempt skipping.
  5. Refined agility & coordination – By 5 years, they run with control, climb play structures with ease, and balance well on one foot.

Developmental Milestone (EYLF Outcome 3):
 "Walks, climbs, and runs" (3 years) → "Balances on one foot, hops, and catches a ball" (4-5 years).

Educator Support: Provide outdoor play opportunities, obstacle courses, climbing equipment, and ball games to support coordination and confidence in movement.

How Learning Trajectories & Milestones Work Together

  • Learning trajectories show the gradual process of how skills emerge over time.
  • Developmental milestones mark the observable points in this progression.
  • Educators scaffold learning by offering experiences that support children at different stages within the trajectory.

How Educators Can Use Learning Trajectories and Developmental Milestones in Practice

Educators can use both learning trajectories and developmental milestones to support children’s growth by:

1️⃣ Recognizing Milestones as Checkpoints, Not Fixed Goals

  • Milestones give educators a reference point to assess whether a child is developing as expected.
  • Learning trajectories remind educators that each child progresses at their own pace, and there are many steps between milestones.
  • Example: If a 2-year-old isn’t yet forming two-word sentences, instead of being concerned, the educator can look at the learning trajectory and provide experiences that encourage communication, such as modeling words, using gestures, or singing interactive songs.

2️⃣ Scaffolding Play and Learning Experiences Based on Learning Trajectories

  • Educators can observe where a child is along a trajectory and provide experiences that help them reach the next step.
  • Example: If a 3-year-old can run but struggles with jumping, the educator might introduce games that involve hopping or jumping off low surfaces to build strength and coordination gradually.

3️⃣ Differentiating Learning to Meet Individual Needs

  • Not all children reach milestones at the same time. Learning trajectories allow educators to personalize their approach.
  • Example: In a mixed-age group, some children may still be using single words while others speak in full sentences. Educators can encourage conversations for more verbal children while using gestures and naming objects for those still building their vocabulary.

4️⃣ Planning Intentional Learning Opportunities

  • Milestones guide curriculum goals, while trajectories help design daily learning experiences.
  • Example: If a learning goal is developing fine motor skills, educators may provide finger painting, playdough, and threading beads to support various skill levels within the trajectory.

5️⃣ Observing & Documenting Children’s Progress Over Time

  • Milestones help track overall progress, while trajectories help educators note small improvements.
  • Example: Instead of just recording “Child can throw a ball”, an educator following learning trajectories might document:
    • Last month: Child was able to throw a ball but struggled with aiming.
    • Now: Child throws towards a target but misses.
    • Next goal: Encourage more accuracy by using larger targets before moving to smaller ones.

6️⃣ Engaging Families in the Learning Process

  • Milestones can be shared with parents to discuss progress, while learning trajectories can be used to explain how skills develop gradually.
  • Example: If a 2-year-old is not yet jumping, instead of worrying, an educator can show parents how the child is progressing through the gross motor trajectory (walking → running → jumping) and suggest activities like jumping off low steps at home.

7️⃣ Embedding EYLF Outcomes into Everyday Practice

  • EYLF aligns with both milestones and trajectories by focusing on holistic development, play-based learning, and responsive teaching.
  • Example: An EYLF Outcome 3 activity (Wellbeing) might involve an obstacle course where:
    • 🚼 A younger toddler crawls over soft blocks (building gross motor coordination).
    • 👧 An older toddler walks across balance beams (refining coordination).
    • 🧒 A preschooler hops through hoops (mastering agility and control).

A Balanced Approach

  • Milestones help educators track children’s growth, while
  • Learning trajectories help plan experiences that meet children where they are.
  • Using both allows educators to provide responsive, play-based, and meaningful learning experiences for all children.

Examples of Documenting Learning Using Both Developmental Milestones & Learning Trajectories

📌 Scenario: A 2-year-old child, Leo, is developing fine motor skills and early writing abilities.

Step 1: Observe & Record Developmental Milestones

Leo is expected to reach the milestone:
“Scribbles with a pencil or crayon held in a fist” (1-2 years)

📌 Leo enjoys holding thick crayons and making marks on paper, but his grip is still inconsistent, and he sometimes uses both hands interchangeably.

Step 2: Refer to the Learning Trajectory for Fine Motor Development

The fine motor trajectory for drawing/writing skills may look like this:
1️⃣ Whole-hand grasp – Holds objects with the entire hand and moves arm as a whole (12-18 months).
2️⃣ Palmar grasp – Holds a crayon with the whole fist and makes scribbles (18-24 months).
3️⃣ Static tripod grip – Uses fingers more but still relies on wrist movement for control (2.5-3 years).
4️⃣ Dynamic tripod grip – Holds a pencil with fingers and controls movement from the hand (4-5 years).

Based on the trajectory, Leo is in the palmar grasp stage but not yet transitioning to a more refined grip.

Step 3: Plan Educator Strategies to Support Progression

  • Offer thicker crayons to encourage a stronger grip.
  • Provide vertical surfaces (easel drawing, chalkboards) to help stabilize wrist movement.
  • Introduce sensory play activities (playdough, finger painting, sand drawing) to strengthen hand muscles.
  • Encourage using crayons for more than scribbles, such as drawing circles or lines in response to stories or songs.

Step 4: Document Progress Over Time

📌 Initial Entry (Month 1): "Leo enjoys making marks with crayons and uses both hands interchangeably. His grip is still in the whole-hand stage."

📌 Midway Progress (Month 2): "Leo now holds the crayon more consistently in one hand and scribbles with more control. He is starting to attempt vertical and horizontal lines."

📌 Final Observation (Month 3): "Leo has transitioned to a palmar grasp and enjoys drawing ‘loops’ on paper. He watches when educators model how to hold the crayon differently but prefers his own way."

Step 5: Link Learning to EYLF & Share with Families

EYLF Outcome 4: "Children are confident and involved learners."

  • Leo is experimenting with mark-making and refining his fine motor control.
  • Educators are providing a variety of materials to support his grip development.

Sharing with Families:
📝 "Leo is strengthening his fine motor skills and learning how to use a crayon to make marks. We are encouraging his independence by offering thick crayons and different surfaces to explore. You might try offering crayons and paper at home to continue this learning."

Why This Approach Works

  • Milestones help educators track progress.
  • Learning trajectories help plan next steps to scaffold learning.
  • Families gain insight into the child's growth beyond just reaching the milestone.
  • EYLF is naturally embedded in the documentation, showing how experiences connect to outcomes.


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