Creating beauty where you can ... - Sticks & Stones Education

Creating beauty where you can ...

Creating beauty where you can ...

We are finding ourselves in strange and uncertain times. We started the year with catastrophic bushfires and then stepped straight into a pandemic. We have had so much heavy emotion to wade through this year, and we have only just ticked over into May. I actually have started so many newsletters and left them they didn't seem right. But I finally worked it all out. So a newsletter becomes a blog post which makes more sense as its own blog. Go figure. 

But I think it's important to embrace normality. It is so easy to get caught up in the swirl of local and worldly grief; we need to make space for ourselves and our loved ones so  we don't become overwhelmed. Hold yourselves  gently.

I've had to shut off and turn my home into a safe harbour. I've been encouraging myself to clean, sort  and rearrange my home - since I'm spending so much time within it's walls - as well as tackle creative projects I have been putting off for no good reason for far too long.  

I have been taking photos, rearranging my business supplies and designing new small world play kits. I've been embracing creativity and it has felt wonderful and I've greatly missed that part of myself.

I had been meaning to update the not-so-new (its almost been two years!) with the loose parts range, and add in a sensory range. This has been on the list since November of last year! I also had created some natural play dough kits for a friend's grandchildren for Christmas presents and I've been meaning to photograph them and include them in our range.

I cleaned off my front porch to start with a blank slate, potted up some spider plant pups in some existing pots. They are looking quite sweet. My front porch is almost like the smile of my house, the front of the house being the face. It's also what greets me when I first arrive home. So I thought it made sense for it to be welcoming. After all, I want it to say "welcome home".

My two giant spider plant pots were a side of the road find, and they were long overdue for some soil and attention. Spider plants are so hardy but that doesn't mean they should be neglected.  I'm actually working on a project involving plants in the early childhood and education spaces, but I'll share more about that later!

I moved some small pieces of furniture around my living spaces and it's opened things up quite a bit and I just feel lighter for it. With all the op-shops closed I've had to restrain myself and use what I have - which is a far more wise and sensible decision. I'm also looking at some very naked walls and they need some colour or texture. Badly. Next house project.


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