Look What I did + Sunday Musings ... - Sticks & Stones Education

Look What I did + Sunday Musings ...

Look What I did + Sunday Musings ...

wooden sorting tray


Last weekend I took the above photo of the wooden tamarind sorting tray quickly. I had promised a customer who had messaged me that I would upload the new products into the store for her so she could buy it! I kinda grabbed what loose parts I had at hand and threw the above photo together in the late afternoon light. I really surprised myself! And I think I surprised all of you as well as you loved it so much! I'm so very proud of myself. I think it looks beautiful. I used the felt pebbles, the butterfly nature tube and the spring pom-poms in this arrangement. The flowers are loose parts I use to create some of the little landscape and small world play scenes. 

I have ordered more, so hopefully they will arrive in the next couple of weeks so I can make good on everyone's wishes! 

I wanted to set my products apart from the standard stock photos that everyone else is using - you know the stark white background with the product right in the middle? I wanted a background that was soft and light but also felt natural. I found gorgeous arctic wooden flooring from Bunnings but it was HUGE and expensive. My own wooden floors are varnished so there is a glare to it. I wandered around the hardware store and I ended up finding the perfect background for my products! Plywood! And so that is what I am doing! And I am so pleased with the results. I love being creative and the business allows me to do this!

Its a lazy Sunday and I have said I was going to blog, so blogging I am! I have managed to do the dishes, clean the kitchen and fold a little bit of laundry, and I still have some more to fold yet, but I've made a great start on it. I have a large kitten in the basket, so I clearly cannot fold any more! Not until his nap is finished at least.

My living room is packed with products in storage boxes and suitcases ready for next Saturday's pop-up in Coogee! I have a few more new deliveries still in the back of the car to unpack and then re-pack, but its all mostly ready to go from last weekend. 

So ... I'm going to say farewell and go and wash the dogs. They don't know this yet - but it is well overdue! It always gets messy! Brodie is an English Staffy X ?!? Maybe Jack Russell or Fox Terrier. He loves a bath - but aways shakes before I'm done so I will be covered in suds. His favourite part though is the full body rub down and then the mad run around the garden rolling in grass ... followed by doing the same inside the house on the rugs. Ginger Bear however doesn't like the bath at all! She relishes any moment to carry on! We have words about how brave she is ... but she still carries on! She's not a fan of the hose but that's understandable considering her story and background. BUT it must be done! So off to bathe the dogs I go! 

Thank you for reading!

Stay Awesome 

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  • Oh Gry! I just noticed your comment today … It’s only 2 months later … Thank you so very much for your gorgeous comment. I have absolutely loved connecting with you over the interwebs. Thank you for all your likes, comments and shares. I greatly appreciate it and I also greatly appreciate your feedback and kind thoughtful words. – Gaby

    Gaby on

  • Recent showcases of beautifully designed photos has had me more intrigued and teased to order.

    I’m excited to have my first order of many, in my Postal App – Observing my parcel itinerary making its journey to our residence, too only create more journeys for my little people and their beautifully designed creations and Learning experiences.

    With fabulous resources available, and children to imaginate and develop their growth mindsets, Why wouldn’t you? ❤️

    Gry on

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