NAIDOC Week 2023 - Sticks & Stones Education

NAIDOC Week 2023

NAIDOC Week 2023

What is NAIDOC Week?

The first week of July each year, from Sunday to Sunday is NAIDOC Week. To celebrate, events are held across Australia to celebrate and recognize the deep and rich history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Australia is the ONLY country in the world to have a continuous culture spanning 65,000, give or take 6,000 years. It could be 59,000 or it could be 71,000 years. Either way this is epic. Keeping in mind that this current archeology found somewhat inland. Much of what would have been land on the top of Australia is now underwater, and no doubt there are much older sites of the First Australians that are now under the ocean. 

NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations acknowledging the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.

Attending local events is a wonderful way for you to support your local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities.

NAIDOC Week Poster 2023

This gorgeous poster is by Bobbi Lockyer, a proud Ngarluma, Kariyarra, Nyulnyul and Yawuru artist. She was born and is based on Kariyarra Country in Port Hedland,. She is the winner of the prestigious National NAIDOC Week Poster Competition for 2023 with her entry: For Our Elders.

“Where there is knowledge there are our Elders. Our Elders paved the pathways for us, taught us our knowledge, our history, they passed down their art, stories and wisdom. Our Elders are the foundation of our communities and role models for our children. With this poster I wanted to showcase how important our Elders are in passing down traditions and culture to our children and future.”

-  Bobbi Lockyer

NAIDOC Week Resources:

Download the posters here:

Learning About Aboriginal Australia through these sites

Educational Resources from Aboriginal Owned Businesses:

Recommended First Nations children's books:

  1. Old Nana Quokka by Jacki Ferro
  2. This Book Thinks Ya Deadly! A Celebration of Blak Excellence by Corey Tutt,  Molly Hunt (illus)
  3. Bidhi Galing by Anita Heiss, Samantha Campbell (illus)
  4. NT Mob Sharing Stories in Language by Various Authors
  5. My Little Barlaagany (Sunshine) by Melissa Greenwood
  6. Gurril - Storm Bird by Trevor Fourmile, Jingalu (illus)
  7. Gurawul the Whale by Max Dulumunmun Harrison
  8. Our Mob by Jacinta Daniher, Taylor Hampton
  9. Mooie’s Stories by 'BurWhela' Ros Kneebone-Dodson
  10. Hairy Holes by Brenton E. McKenna
  11. The Bunyip and the Stars by Adam Duncan
  12. Uncle Xbox by Jared Thomas
  13. Story about Cat and Mouse: Stori bla brutbrut en bujigat by Carol Robertson
  14. Come Together: Things Every Aussie Kid Should Know about the First Peoples
    by Isaiah Firebrace, Jaelyn Biumaiwai, Keisha Leon
  15. Owl and Star by Helen Milroy
  16. Back On Country: Welcome to Our Country by Adam Goodes, Ellie Laing & David Hardy
  17. The The Heartbeat of the Land by Cathy Freeman, Coral Vass & Tannya Harricks (illus.)
  18. Guardians (Wylah the Koorie Warrior, Book 1)
    Jordan Gould,Richard Pritchard
  19. My Deadly Boots
    Carl Merrison,Hakea Hustler & Samantha Campbell (illus.)
  20. Winthali (Fire)
    Joe Willigan Ross, Stacey Bush, Remi Nyandat Ross, Boheme Baiana Ross
  21. Open Your Heart to Country
    Jasmine Seymour
  22. Miimi Marraal, Mother Earth
    Melissa Greenwood
  23. A Kunwinjku Counting Book
    Gabriel Maralngurra
  24. Bobtail’s Friend: From The Desert To The Sea
    Rhonda Collard- Spratt,Jacki Ferro
  25. Ninni Yabini
    Cheryl Kickett-Tucker, Tyrown Waigana
  26. Nature All Around Us
    Kimberly Engwicht
  27. Koori Princess
    Anita Heiss
  28. Sounds All Around Us
    Ryhia Dank
  29. luwa tara luwa waypa: three kangaroos three Tasmanian Aboriginal men
    Dave Mangenner Gough
  30. Purlka ngamaji Kakaji (Big Fat Mummy Goanna)
    Emma Bear
  31. Jarrampa
    Marshia Cook
  32. Charlie’s Swim
    Edith Wright
  33. Maku
    Meyne Wyatt,Meyne Wyatt
  34. We Are Australians
    Duncan Smith,Nicole Godwin
  35. Ceremony: Welcome to Our Country
    Adam Goodes,Ellie Laing & David Hardy
  36. Go Home, Cheeky Animals!
    Johanna Bell
  37. The Dunggiirr Brothers and the Caring Song of the Whale
    Shaa Smith,Neeyan Smith
  38. This is Me!
    Sally Morgan
  39. Numbers All Around Us
    Rachael Sarra
  40. Animals All Around Us
    Melanie Hava
  41. Looking After Country with Fire: Aboriginal Burning Knowledge With Uncle Kuu
    Victor Steffensen & Sandra Steffensen (illus.)
  42. The Art in Animals: A Numbers and Words Treasury
    Bronwyn Bancroft
  43. Wiradjuri Country
    Larry Brandy
  44. Born to Run
    Cathy Freeman
  45. Sharing
    Aunty Fay Muir,Sue Lawson
  46. Somebody’s Land
    Adam Goodes, Ellie Laing, David Hardy
  47. The First Scientists: Deadly Inventions and Innovations from Australia’s First Peoples
    Corey Tutt, Blak Douglas
  48. KARRKIN My Body
    Maureen Yanawana
  49. Today’s Sun
    Gregg Dreise
  50. Albert Namatjira
    Vincent Namatjira
  51. Mixed Feelings (Book 1)
    Declan Miller
  52. Storm Warning Book 1
    Lauren Boyle
  53. Heroes, Rebels and Innovators: Inspiring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from history
    Karen Wyld
  54. Story Doctors
    Boori Monty Pryor
  55. Barraeemal
    Carolyn Briggs
  56. Kunyi
    Kunyi June Anne McInerney
  57. Sea Country
    Aunty Patsy Cameron
  58. Walking in Gagudju Country
    Diane Lucas,Ben Tyler
  59. Main Abija My Grandad
    Karen Rogers
  60. The Emu Who Ran Through the Sky (Tales from the Bush Mob, Book 2)
    Helen Milroy
  61. Hello and Welcome
    Gregg Dreise
  62. Backyard Bugs
    Helen Milroy
  63. Welcome, Child!
    Sally Morgan
  64. Billie and the Blue Bike
    Ambelin Kwaymullina
  65. Day Break
    Amy McQuire
  66. Bindi
    Kirli Saunders
  67. I Want To Be A Superhero
    Breanna Humes
  68. The Art in Country: A Treasury for Children
    Bronwyn Bancroft
  69. Father Sky and Mother Earth
  70. Took the Children Away
    Archie Roach
  71. Shirley Purdie: My Story, Ngaginybe Jarragbe
    Shirley Purdie
  72. Aunty’s Wedding
    Miranda Tapsell,Joshua Tyler
  73. Family
    Aunty Fay Muir,Sue Lawson
  74. Found
    Bruce Pascoe
  75. Finding Our Heart
    Thomas Mayor
  76. Too Many Cheeky Dogs (Bigismob Jigiwan Dog)
    Johanna Bell
  77. Willy-willy Wagtail (Tales from the Bush Mob, Book 1)
    Helen Milroy
  78. Respect
    Aunty Fay Muir,Sue Lawson
    “Our Way is old. / Older than the r
  79. My Australian Story: Who Am I (New Edition)
    Anita Heiss
  80. What do you call a baby…?
    Kamsani Bin Salleh
  81. Mum’s Elephant
    Maureen Jipiyiliya Nampijinpa O'Keefe
  82. Counting Our Country
    Jill Daniels
  83. Brother Moon
    Maree McCarthy Yoelu
  84. Our Home, Our Heartbeat
    Adam Briggs
  85. Wombat, Mudlark & Other Stories
    Helen Milroy
  86. Wilam: A Birrarung Story
    Aunty Joy Murphy,Andrew Kelly
  87. Coming Home to Country
    Bronwyn Bancroft
  88. Backyard Birds
    Helen Milroy
  89. Hello, Hello
    Indigenous Literacy Foundation,Children from the Spinifex Writing Camp
  90. An A to Z Story of Australian Animals
    Sally Morgan
  91. Going to the Footy
    Debbie Coombes
  92. Japarrika Rises
    David Lawrence,Tiwi College Alalinguwi Jarrakarlinga,Shelley Ware
  93. Yinti, Desert Child
    Pat Lowe,Jimmy Pike
  94. My Culture and Me
    Gregg Dreise
  95. Baby Business
    Jasmine Seymour
  96. Sorry Day
    Coral Vass
  97. Little Bird’s Day
    Sally Morgan
  98. Young Dark Emu: A Truer History
    Bruce Pascoe
  99. I Saw, We Saw
    Yolnu Students from Nhulunbuy Primary School
  100. Alkere. Sky
    Children's Ground
  101. Nganga: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Words and Phrases
    Aunty Fay Muir,Sue Lawson
  102. Black Cockatoo
    Carl Merrison,Hakea Hustler
  103. The Last Dance
    Sally Morgan
  104. My Kind
    Eddie Betts
  105. Japarrika
    David Lawrence,Tiwi College Alalinguwi Jarrakarlinga,Shelley Ware
  106. I Love Me
    Sally Morgan,Ambelin Kwaymullina
  107. My Australian Story: Our Race for Reconciliation
    Anita Heiss
  108. Why I Love Australia
    Bronwyn Bancroft
  109. The Rainbow Serpent
    Dick Roughsey,Percy Trezise
  110. Shake A Leg
    Jan Ormerod,Boori Monty Pryor
  111. Two-Hearted Numbat
    Ezekiel Kwaymullina,Ambelin Kwaymullina
  112. Big Rain Coming
    Katrina Germein
  113. Sister Heart
    Sally Morgan
  114. Sea Horse
    Bruce Pascoe
  115. Fog a Dox
    Bruce Pascoe
  116. Kicking Goals with Goodesy and Magic
    Adam Goodes,Anita Heiss
  117. Stradbroke Dreamtime: Deluxe Edition
    Oodgeroo Nunukul ,B Bancroft
  118. Welcome to My Country
    Laklak Burarrwanga,Family


  • Love this Gaby. What a great ally you are! And listing so many useful resources is a wonderful way to spread the message in the ECE world.

    Anne Peters on

  • Love this Gaby. What a great ally you are! And listing so many useful resources is a wonderful way top spread the message in the ECE world.

    Anne Peters on

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