Knights & Dragons Toob

Type: Figurines

Knights & Dragons Toob

By request we are bringing you some awesome Knights & Dragons figurines! We were actually asked a couple of times at a trade table if we stocked any knights ...

If you listen very carefully, you can almost hear the knight's armour clank and the swords clashing together in epic battles. These gorgeous designer figurines are perfect to populate your castle, your block corner, or a special small world of your own making (or ours ;) ). 

The Knights and Dragons® collection from Safari Ltd® takes your imagination to the days long past where Knights were the law and order of the kingdom and they kept the populace safe from incredibly hungry dragons.

This set has 10 figures including: 4 knights of the Red Kingdom, 4 Knights of the Blue Kingdom, a catapult and a very fierce and hungry green dragon. The dragon however could not necessarily be a man-eater ... just very misunderstood. What would happen if you invited your local dragon to dinner? Just a thought. Dragons need friends too (we actually sell dragons in a TOOB - just sayin').

These TOOB measures: 5.2cm x 5.2cm x 33cm

All Safari Ltd Products are lead free and thoroughly saftey tested. TOOBs Recommended for children aged 3 years and up. If you choose to use these with children younger than recommended, please ensure you supervise and you do so at your own risk.